For project descriptions, see Areas of Expertise.


Eko Nomos has been instrumental in assisting my team at Nishnawbe Aski Nation to develop a Theory of Change model and to really think about the work we are doing to support change at the community level. The experience has broadened my team’s skills and capacity to develop meaningful, evidence based action plans and has increased collaborative relationships within the team as well as with other departments within our organization.

Wendy TrylinskiNishnawbe Aski Nation

Mary, Janet, and I worked very closely on the Foundation’s 2010 learning and evaluation report “Beyond Survival: Helping Women Transition Out of Poverty.” This five year initiative involved various stakeholders including multiple funders, service providers and program participants. Mary was able to listen and work well with all stakeholders and took a collaborative approach to the entire project. The result was a fabulous report that highlights effective practices in women’s community economic development, informs policy and builds awareness of women’s journey out of poverty.  We selected Eko Nomos as our evaluators because of their experience in the area of poverty reduction, their asset based approach to evaluation and learning and their strong understanding of women’s self-employment and social purpose enterprise development.

Chanel GrenawayDirector, Economic Development ProgramsCanadian Women's Foundation