Canadian Labour Congress and the Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters: Integrating Women into Underrepresented Occupations
Eko Nomos researched promising practices for integrating Canadian women into occupations where they are underrepresented, and presented findings in an interactive website for policymakers and businesses.
Promising Practices in Attracting and Retaining Women in Trades, Technology and Science Occupations is a website developed for a partnership between the Canadian Labour Congress and Canadian Exporters and Manufacturers.
This website provides a broad range of promising practices and strategies to integrate women into under-represented sectors. It is designed for leaders of workplace change in both business and unions, and provides a quick reference resource that synthesizes the Canadian learning about increasing women’s participation in under-represented occupations.
Its purpose is to assist employers, unions, sector councils, training institutions and other organizations that are working to include women in trades, technology and science-related employment:
• To plan strong, realistic strategies to include women
• To get started and build some momentum for action
• To achieve concrete improvements in women’s recruitment and retention in these sectors.